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Dispute Resolution Policy


Problems, misunderstandings and frustrations may arise in online shopping. It is GlizzyKart’s intent to be responsive to its clients and their concerns. Therefore, a client who is confronted with a problem may use the procedure described below to resolve or clarify his or her concerns.

The purpose of this policy is to provide a quick, effective and consistently applied method for a client to present his or her concerns to us and have those concerns resolved.


Step 1: Discussion with Customer Support Team

  1. Initially, clients should bring their concerns or complaints to our customer service team. Client should contact the customer support team for the problem that gave rise to the complaint within 24 - 48 hours of the date the incident occurred.
  2. GlizzyKart will respond in writing to the complaint within one to two working days after the complaint is raised

Step 2: Written complaint and decision

  1. If the discussion with the Customer Service Team does not resolve the problem to the mutual satisfaction of the Client and the CS team, or if the CS Team does not respond to the complaint, the client may submit a written complaint to the Glizzykart at>.
  2. The written complaint should contain the following:
    1. The problem and the date when the incident occurred
    2. Suggestions on ways to resolve the problem.
    3. A copy of the CS Team’s written response or a summary of their verbal response and the date on which the client contacted the CS team. If the team has not responded, the complaint should state this.
  3. Upon receipt of the formal complaint, the complaint team must schedule a call with the client within five working days to discuss the complaint. Within approximately five working days after the discussion, the complaint team should issue a decision both in writing and orally to the client filing the complaint.

Step 3: Appeal of Decision

  1. If the client is dissatisfied with the decision of the compaint team, the client may, within five working days, appeal this decision in writing to the legal team at
  2. The legal team may call the client directly to facilitate a solution or refer complaints to the review committee if it is believed that the complaint raises serious questions of fact or interpretation of policy. The legal team may gather further information from the client.

Additional Guidance

If a client fails to appeal from one level to the next of this procedure within the stipulated time period, the problem will be considered settled on the basis of the last decision, and the problem will not be subject to further consideration.

Because problems are best resolved on an individual basis, the conflict resolution procedure may be initiated only by authorized personnel of Glizzykart instead of groups of employees. All complaints must be made in good faith.

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